Free You Up VA
Company Description
As a business owner you want to be out there making a difference and growing your tribe. But, that also comes with creating and filling your programs that help motivate and inspire people. You don’t belong stuck behind a desk struggling to manage your social media. Managing your CRM system, scheduling/sending out your monthly newsletter, email marketing, creating opt-in pages for a webinar, or working with event planners trying to get yourself booked for another speaking engagement. These are not income generating tasks. At Free You Up VA we make life easier for you and take you from “chaos to order.”
We are a consulting comapny which works with public speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs. We work with you to help you get more speaking engagements.
We also help you with your backend needs like onboarding clients, email management, social media community manager, database management, blog management, website maintenance, manage your email marketing software, and manage your calendar.
Free You Up VA has 3 verified donations.
Date | Category | Amount |
August 22, 2021 | International Aid | $25.00 |
February 14, 2021 | Homelessness | $27.50 |
February 4, 2021 | Hunger | $27.50 |
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